Get on Expose UX


Product Type
Any. Web apps, native apps, physical products, we love them all.

Development Stage
Anything past just having an idea. From wire frames to fully launched products, if the experts can get an idea of the product's functionaltiy, they can provide feedback.

The Steps

Step 1
Submit Application
Step 2
Provide Information
Step 3
Experts Review Your Product
Get Feedback

Submit Application
Submit your application.

Provide Information
Once you're approved to be on Expose UX, we'll ask for more information. The experts need to better understand the problem you're solving, and who has the problem.

Experts Review Your Product
You'll be matched with 3 experts who will review your product. The exact date and time of filming for your product will be provided.

Get Feedback
Arrive on time for filming, and then lights, camera, action!

Next Step...

Apply to Expose UX